Law Firm Marketing Experts

Case Study#1 – Results Achieved for a Solo Criminal Defense Lawyer

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A solo criminal defense lawyer sought our law firm marketing services to increase the number of leads through various online strategies such as SEO, Local SEO, and local services campaign management. Law Firm Marketing Experts crafted a roadmap to take the solo lawyer marketing to the next level.

Our team was responsible for implementing and optimizing the law firm marketing strategies necessary to improve the visibility in search engines. The results show the law firm saw continuous growth and now enjoys top placements in the Google Map Pack as well as organic search results which increased the number of leads received each month.

Website Traffic after 3 months:

The website demonstrated an increase of 11% shortly after.

lawyer website new users

Bounce Rate:

The bounce rate improvement also confirmed relevant traffic was visiting the website and finding what they are looking for.

website bounce rate improved

Keyword Rankings:

Rankings also show an improvement. Our tracking tool data shows as of June 77 positions were in the top 5 and 99 in the top 10 compared to February 58 in the top 5 positions and 88 in the top 10.

February 2021

february rankings 2021

June 2021

June rankings 2021

Phone Calls and Leads:

Measuring results and data for a lawyer comes down to the primary KPIs (Calls and Leads). We see a direct improvement in our primary KPIs showing the solo lawyer got more calls and leads than previously.

leads tracking March to April 2021

If you are looking to improve the marketing efforts for your solo practice or need a reliable and experienced company to manage law firm marketing, contact us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation.

Do you want more calls and leads?

Contact Law Firm Marketing Experts today to discuss your law firm’s marketing strategies.

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Boca Raton Law Firm Marketing Experts

About Law Firm Marketing Experts Digital Marketing Agency

Our marketing agency has a dedicated team with 40 plus years of combined experience helping solo lawyers and small law firms.

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